First Call and SAM Retreat Spring 2025
CourseFirst Call rostered leaders and Synod Authorized Ministers are invited to join the SD Synod staff in Chamberlain SD at the Cedar Shores Conference Center, March 23-25, 2025.
Fellowship Hall
CommunityJoin us for daily devotions during Lent 2025...."Life Renewed." You can purchase your own copy of this devotional from Augsburg Publishing, or just listen along with Pastor Kari each day, Ash Wednesday through Easter!
Office Administrators' Check In!
CommunityOffice administrators at congregations across the Synod (both paid and unpaid) are invited to join a monthly virtual check-in facilitated by your colleagues and Synod Staff. Join by zoom the 3rd Thursday of every month at 1:00 PM Central.
Creating a Narrative Budget
CourseThe story of God's work in a congregation goes beyond income and expenses. A Narrative Budget helps to tell of what God is doing through your community and how you are a part of it with your time, talents, and treasure.
Foundations of Lutheran Worship
CourseWhy do we worship? What brings us together, hungry for God's word and the very presence of Christ? Join Pastor Kari for live "group sessions" via zoom, as we embark together on a quest for a deeper understanding of Christian worship.
Behold! I Make All Things New--a Worship Liturgy
Course“Behold, I Make All Things New” was written by Ben Splichal Larson. This original liturgical music is made available in his memory.