Retreat Resources

    1. Welcome!

    2. Schedule / Agenda

    3. What to Bring?

    4. Retreat Sponsor: Journeying Together in Christ Initiative (Lilly Endowment)

    5. Retreat Sponsor: Kathy McHenry with Lutheran Planned Generosity

    1. Meet Dr. May Persaud

    2. Jesus In The Midst

    3. Scriptures for our Worship and Bible Study

    4. Pre-Retreat Reading: Genesis 2

    5. Pre-Retreat Reading: Genesis 3

    6. Pre-Retreat Reading: John 20

    1. Meet Dr. Winston Persaud

    2. “The Doctrine of Justification: A Trinitarian Approach”

    3. Proclaiming Christ in Today's World

    4. Why the Joint Declaration?

    5. Joint Declaration of the Doctrine of Justification

    6. The Hope of Eternal LIfe

    7. Believing in Jesus Christ in this Postmodern World

    8. Lutheran Identity

    9. JDDJ and The Christian Mission

    10. Scripture and Tradition

First Call and SAM Retreat

  • what to bring list
  • pre-reading and study materials
  • space for questions

Retreat Facilitator

Rev. Renee Splichal-Larson

Associate to the Bishop for Candidacy, Congregation, and Rostered Minister Accompaniment

Pastor Splichal Larson is a 2010 graduate of Wartburg Seminary and currently serves as the Associate to the Bishop for Candidacy, Congregation, and Rostered Minister Accompaniment in the South Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Prior to being called to the South Dakota Synod in 2019, Pastor Splichal Larson served as pastor of Heart River Lutheran Church in Mandan, North Dakota. While at Heart River, Pastor Splichal Larson served as a mission developer, creating a re-entry ministry and support network for youth at the North Dakota Youth Correctional Center called Heart River Bridges of Hope.