First Call and SAM Retreat Spring 2025
First Call rostered leaders and Synod Authorized Ministers are invited to join the SD Synod staff in Chamberlain SD at the Cedar Shores Conference Center, March 23-25, 2025.
Schedule / Agenda
What to Bring?
Retreat Sponsor: Journeying Together in Christ Initiative (Lilly Endowment)
Retreat Sponsor: Kathy McHenry with Lutheran Planned Generosity
Meet Dr. May Persaud
Jesus In The Midst
Scriptures for our Worship and Bible Study
Pre-Retreat Reading: Genesis 2
Pre-Retreat Reading: Genesis 3
Pre-Retreat Reading: John 20
Meet Dr. Winston Persaud
“The Doctrine of Justification: A Trinitarian Approach”
Proclaiming Christ in Today's World
Why the Joint Declaration?
Joint Declaration of the Doctrine of Justification
The Hope of Eternal LIfe
Believing in Jesus Christ in this Postmodern World
Lutheran Identity
JDDJ and The Christian Mission
Scripture and Tradition