Making Sense of the Cross
CourseWhatever we say about the cross, we are also saying about God. So, what does the cross mean? What can it tell us about God? How can it help us approach, understand, and know God better? Dr. David Lose invites you to learn together.
Coming Soon!
Life Renewed
CourseJoin Pastor Kari from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday. We will study the beautiful scriptures of the Easter Vigil service--from Noah in Genesis to the "dry bones" of Ezekial...all the way to the cross and the promise of LIFE RENEWED.
Called to Lead
CourseIs the Holy Spirit calling you to consider church leadership? This course will give you space to listen to that call, while offering concrete steps to help you discover your next most faithful step forward.
The Rise of Bonhoeffer
CommunityThis community accompanies the course "The Rise of Bonhoeffer," hosted by Home Brewed Christianity and taught by Dr. Jeffrey C. Pugh and Dr. Tripp Fuller. For information about how to enroll, contact Pr. Joel Pakan ([email protected]).
Foundations of Lutheran Worship
CourseWhy do we worship? What brings us together, hungry for God's word and the very presence of Christ? Join Pastor Kari for live "group sessions" via zoom, as we embark together on a quest for a deeper understanding of Christian worship.
The Gospel of Mark
CourseDo you ever wish you could just sit down with Jesus and get to know him? The Gospel of Mark may be exactly what we need to meet Jesus anew--finding ourselves swept into the first century story as this fast-paced Gospel unfolds.