Introduction to the Study

Course of Study

    1. Welcome to the Course from Pastor Kari

    2. Optional Text

    1. Focus Statement

    2. Teaching Video: A Man Hanging on a Tree

    3. Discussion Questions

    1. Focus Statement

    2. Teaching Video: Why Four Gospels?

    3. Teaching Video: Mark and the Cross

    4. Scripture Reading: Mark 15: 21-41 NRSV

    5. Teaching Video: Luke and the Cross

    6. Scripture Reading: Luke 23: 26-43

    7. Teaching Video: Matthew and the Cross

    8. Scripture Reading: Matthew 27: 32-44

    9. Teaching Video: John and the Cross

    10. Scripture Reading: John 19: 16-27 NRSVUE

    11. Discussion Questions

    1. Focus Statements

    2. Teaching Video: Ransom and Victory (Part One)

    3. Teaching Video: Ransom and Victory (Part Two)

    4. Teaching Video: Substitution, Satisfaction and Sacrifice (Part One)

    5. Teaching Video: Substitution, Satisfaction and Sacrifice (Part Two)

    6. Teaching Video: Example and Encouragement (Part One)

    7. Teaching Video: Example and Encouragement (Part Two)

    8. Discussion Questions

    1. Focus Statement

    2. Teaching Video: The Cross and Experience

    3. Teaching Video: The Cross and Forgiveness

    4. Contemplative Stance

    5. Discussion Questions

    6. Optional: Reflection Submission

    1. Living the Message, 2024

    2. Teaching Video: God Hidden and Revealed

    3. Study Guide for "God Hidden and Revealed"

Making Sense of the Cross

  • Teaching Videos from Pastor David Lose
  • Bible References for your study
  • Virtual Discussion Opportunities

Teaching Videos

Rev. David Lose

Senior Pastor, Mount Olivet Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN

David J. Lose was called as senior pastor of Mount Olivet Lutheran Church in Minneapolis in 2017. From July 2014 to June 2017, he served as president of Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. Before that, he held the Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, where he also served as the Director of the Center for Biblical Preaching. He is the author of Preaching at the Crossroads: How the World — and Our Preaching — Is Changing (2013), Making Sense of the Cross (2011), Making Sense of the Christian Faith (2010), Making Sense of Scripture (2009), and Confessing Jesus Christ: Preaching in a Postmodern World (2003). He speaks widely in the United States and abroad on preaching, Christian faith in a postmodern world, and biblical interpretation. The teaching videos used in this class are licensed through Church Next, an online Christian learning platform.