Advent Bible Study

A Journey through the Season

    1. Introduction Booklet--Click Arrow (on the Right) to Turn the Page:)

    2. Weekly "Live" Sessions

    3. Introduction to our Advent Study

    4. Theme Song--Close to Home

    1. December 1 Gathering

    2. Close to Home Booklet Week One (don't forget to turn the pages!)

    3. The Gospel: Luke 21:25-36

    4. Second Lesson 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

    5. Join the Conversation

    1. December 8 Gathering

    2. Close to Home Week 2 Booklet

    3. The Gospel: Luke 1: 55-80

    4. Second Lesson: Philippians 1: 1-11

    5. Join the Conversation

    1. December 15 Gathering

    2. The Gospel Luke 3: 1-18

    3. First Lesson Zephaniah 3: 14-20

    4. Join the Conversation

    1. December 22 Gathering

    2. The Gospel--Luke 1: 39-55

    3. The Magnificat: Luke 1: 46-55

    4. Join the Conversation

    1. The Gospel--Luke 2: 1-20

About this Devotional Journey

  • Time in God's Word, following the Scriptures for the Season
  • Discussions and Reflections, both on-line and any time
  • Wait and watch for the coming of the Christ Child.


  • When does the Bible Study meet?

    We will zoom together on Sunday evenings at 5:00 PM (Central). The zoom link will be shared when you enroll in the bible study.

  • How do I access the Devotional Booklet?

    The devotional booklet will be available online as an animated flipbook. You will be able to download it to your computer. If you would like a paper copy, please contact Pr. Kari ([email protected]) for a PDF to print or to receive one by mail.

  • Can I participate in the Bible Study even if I cannot attend the zoom sessions?

    Yes! The study may be completed in whatever way works best for YOU.

Discussion Leader

Rev. Kari Webb

Director of Digital Community and Learning

Former educator and lifelong learner, Kari bears witness to the persistence of God's call to church ministry. Kari took the "long path" toward ordination. But God doesn't pay much attention to age, career or timelines. Kari is drawn to the story of Nicodemus in John's gospel. He asks Jesus "How can anyone be born after having grown old?" and Jesus spins a tale about wind and water and Spirit. Pastor Webb is beyond joyful that the wind of God's Spirit has brought her into service in the South Dakota Synod where, like Nicodemus, she continuous to ask with wonder, "How can these things be?"